Monday, February 20, 2023

Writing a C library in Rust

I started working on libblkio in 2020 with the goal of creating a high-performance block I/O library. The internals are written in Rust while the library exposes a public C API for easy integration into existing applications. Most languages have a way to call C APIs, often called a Foreign Function Interface (FFI). It's the most universal way to call into code written in different languages within the same program. The choice of building a C API was a deliberate one in order to make it easy to create bindings in many programming languages. However, writing a library in Rust that exposes a C API is relatively rare (librsvg is the main example I can think of), so I wanted to share what I learnt from this project.

Calling Rust code from C

Rust has good support for making functions callable from C. The documentation on calling Rust code from C covers the basics. Here is the Rust implementation of void blkioq_set_completion_fd_enabled(struct blkioq *q, bool enable) from libblkio:

pub extern "C" fn blkioq_set_completion_fd_enabled(q: &mut Blkioq, enable: bool) {

A C program just needs a function prototype for blkioq_set_completion_fd_enabled() and can call it directly like a C function.

What's really nice is that most primitive Rust types can be passed between languages without special conversion code in Rust. That means the function can accept arguments and return values that map naturally from Rust to C. In the code snippet above you can see that the Rust bool argument can be used without explicit conversion.

C pointers are converted to Rust pointers or references automatically by the compiler. If you want them to be nullable, just wrap them in Rust Option and the C NULL value becomes Rust None while a non-NULL pointer becomes Some. This makes it a breeze to pass data between Rust and C. In the example above, the Rust &mut Blkioq argument is a C struct blkioq *.

Rust structs also map to C nicely when they are declared with repr(C). The Rust compiler lays out the struct in memory so that its representation is compatible with the equivalent C struct.

Limitations of Rust FFI

It's not all roses though. There are fundamental differences between Rust and C that make FFI challenging. Not all language constructs are supported by FFI and some that are require manual work.

Rust generics and dynamically sized types (DST) cannot be used in extern "C" function signatures. Generics require that Rust compiler to generate code, which does not make sense in a C API because there is no Rust compiler involved. DSTs have no mapping to C and so they need to be wrapped in something that can be expressed in C, like a struct. DSTs include trait objects, so you cannot directly pass trait objects across the C/Rust language boundary.

Two extremes in library design

The limitations of FFI raise the question of how to design the library. The first extreme is to use the lowest common denominator language features supported by FFI. In the worst case this means writing C in Rust with frequent use of unsafe (because pointers and unpacked DSTs are passed around). This is obviously a bad approach because it foregoes the safety and expressiveness benefits of Rust. I think few human programmers would follow this approach although code generators or translators might output Rust code of this sort.

The other extreme is to forget about C and focus on writing an idiomatic Rust crate and then build a C API afterwards. Although this sounds nice, it's not entirely a good idea either because of the FFI limitations I mentioned. The Rust crate might be impossible to express as a C API and require significant glue code and possibly performance sacrifices if it values cannot be passed across language boundaries efficiently.

Lessons learnt

When I started libblkio I thought primarily in terms of the C API. Although the FFI code was kept isolated and the rest of the codebase was written in acceptably nice Rust, the main mistake was that I didn't think of what the native Rust crate API should look like. Only thinking of the C API meant that some of the key design decisions were suboptimal for a native Rust crate. Later on, when we began experimenting with a native Rust crate, it became clear where assumptions from the unsafe C API had crept in. It is hard to change them now, although Alberto Faria has done great work in revamping the codebase for a natural Rust API.

I erred too much on the side of the C API. In the future I would try to stay closer to the middle or slightly towards the native Rust API (but not to the extreme). That approach is most likely to end up with code that presents an efficient C API while still implementing it in idiomatic Rust. Overall, implementing a C library API in Rust was a success. I would continue to do this instead of writing new libraries in C because Rust's language features are more attractive than C's.

Video and slides available for "vhost-user-blk: a fast userspace block I/O interface"

At FOSDEM '23 I gave a talk about vhost-user-blk and its use as a userspace block I/O interface. The video and slides are now available here. Enjoy!