Sunday, December 6, 2020

Understanding Peer-to-Peer Git Forges with Radicle

Git is a distributed version control system and does not require a central server. Although repositories are usually published at a well-known location for convenient cloning and fetching of the latest changes, this is actually not necessary. Each clone can have the full commit history and evolve independently. Furthermore, code changes can be exchanged via email or other means. Finally, even the clone itself does not need to be made from a well-known domain that hosts a git repository (see git-bundle(1)).

Given that git itself is already fully decentralized one would think there is no further work to do. I came across the Radicle project and its somewhat psychedelic website. Besides having a website with a wild color scheme, the project aims to offer a social coding experiment or git forge functionality using a peer-to-peer network architecture. According to the documentation the motivation seems to be that git's built-in functionality works but is not user-friendly enough to make it accessible. In particular, it lacks social coding features.

The goal is to add git forge features like project and developer discovery, issue trackers, wikis, etc. Additional, distinctly decentralized functionality, is also touched on involving Ethereum as a way to anchor project metadata, pay contributors, etc. Radicle is still in early development so these features are not yet implemented. Here is my take on the How it Works documentation, which is a little confusing due to its early stage and some incomplete sentences or typos. I don't know whether my understanding actually corresponds to the Radicle implementation that exists today or its eventual vision, because I haven't studied the code or tried running the software. However, the ideas that the documentation has brought up are interesting and fruitful in their own right, so I wanted to share them and explain them in my own words in case you also find them worth exploring.

The git data model

Let's quickly review the git data model because it is important for understanding peer-to-peer git forges. A git repository contains a refs/ subdirectory that provides a namespace for local branch heads (refs/heads/), local and remotely fetched tags (refs/tags/), and remotely fetched branches (refs/remotes/<remote>/). Actually this namespace layout is just a convention for everyday git usage and it's possible to use the refs/ namespace differently as we will see. The git client fetches refs from a remote according to a refspec rule that maps remote refs to local refs. This gives the client the power to fetch only certain refs from the server. The client can also put them in a different location in its local refs/ directory than the server. For details, see the git-fetch(1) man page.

Refs files contain the commit hash of an object stored in the repository's object database. An object can be a commit, tree (directory), tag, or a blob (file). Branch refs point to the latest commit object. A commit object refers to a tree object that may refer to further tree objects for sub-directories and finally the blob objects that make up the files being stored. Note that a git repository supports disjoint branches that share no history. Perhaps the most well-known example of disjoint branches are the GitHub Pages and GitLab Pages features where these git forges publish static websites from the HTML/CSS/JavaScript/image files on a specific branch in the repository. That branch shares no version history with other branches and the directories/files typically have no similarity to the repository's main branch.

Now we have covered enough git specifics to talk about peer-to-peer git forges. If you want to learn more about how git objects are actually stored, check out my article on the repository layout and pack files.

Identity and authority

Normally a git repository has one or more owners who are allowed to push refs. No one else has permission to modify the refs namespace. What if we tried to share a single refs namespace with the whole world and everyone could push? There would be chaos due to naming conflicts and malicious users would delete or change other users' refs. So it seems like an unworkable idea unless there is some way to enforce structure on the global refs namespace.

Peer-to-peer systems have solutions to these problems. First, a unique identity can be created by picking a random number with a sufficient number of bits so that the chance of collision is improbable. That unique identity can be used as a prefix in the global ref namespace to avoid accidental collisions. Second, there needs to be a way to prevent unauthorized users from modifying the part of the global namespace that is owned by other users.

Public-key cryptography provides the primitive for achieving both these things. A public key or its hash can serve as the unique identifier that provides identity and prevents accidental collisions. Ownership can be enforced by verifying that changes to the global namespace are signed with the private key corresponding to the unique identity.

For example, we fetch the following refs from a peer:


This is a simplified example based on the Radicle documentation. Here identity is the unique identity based on a public key. Remember no one else in the world has the same identity because the chance of generating the same public key is improbable. The heads/ refs are normal git refs to commit objects - these are published branches. The signed_refs ref points to an git object that contains a list of commit hashes and a signature generated using the public key. The signature can be verified using the public key.

Next we need to verify these changes to check that they were created with the private key that is only known to the identity's owner. First, we check the signature on the object pointed to by the signed_refs ref. If the signature is not valid we reject these changes and do not store them in our local repository. Next, we look up each ref in heads/ against the list in signed_refs. If a ref is missing from the list then we reject these refs and do not allow them into our local repository.

This scheme lends itself to peer-to-peer systems because the refs can be propagated (copied) between peers and verified at each step. The identity owner does not need to be present at each copy step since their cryptographic signature is all we need to be certain that they authorized these refs. So I can receive refs originally created by identity A from peer B and still be sure that peer B did not modify them since identity A's signature is intact.

Now we have a global refs namespace that is partitioned so that each identity is able to publish refs and peers can verify that these changes are authorized.


It may not be clear yet that it's not necessary to clone the entire global namespace. In fact, it's possible that no single peer will ever have a full copy of the entire global namespace! That's because this is a distributed system. Peers only fetch refs that they care about from their peers. Peers fetch from each other and this forms a network. The network does not need to be fully connected and it's possible to have multiple clusters of peers running without full global connectivity.

To bootstrap the global namespace there are seed repositories. Seeds are a common concept in peer-to-peer systems. They provide an entry point for new peers to learn about and start participating with other peers. In BitTorrent this is called a "tracker" rather than a "seed".

According to the Radicle documentation it is possible to directly fetch from peers. This probably means a git-daemon(1) or git-http-backend(1) needs to be accessible on the public internet. Many peers will not have sufficient network connectivity due to NAT limitations. I guess Radicle does not expect every user to participate as a repository.

Interestingly, there is a gossip system for propagating refs through the network. Let's revisit the refs for an identity in the global namespace:


We can publish identities that we track in remotes/. It's a recursive refs layout. This is how someone tracking our refs can find out about related identities and their refs.

Thanks to git's data model the commit, tree, and blob objects can be shared even though we duplicate refs published by another identity. Since git is a content-addressable object database the data is stored once even though multiple refs point to it.

Now we not only have a global namespace where anyone can publish git refs, but also ways to build a peer-to-peer network and propagate data throughout the network. It's important to note that data is only propagated if peers are interested in fetching it. Peers are not forced to store data that they are not interested in.

How data is stored locally

Let's bring the pieces together and show how the system stores data. The peer creates a local git repository called the monorepo for the purpose of storing portions of the global namespace. It fetches refs from seeds or direct peers to get started. Thanks to the remotes/ refs it also learns about other refs on the network that it did not request directly.

This git repository is just a data store, it is not usable for normal git workflows. The conventional git branch and git tag commands would not work well with the global namespace layout and verification requirements. Instead we can clone a local file:/// repository from the monorepo that fetches a subset of the refs into the conventional git refs layout. The files can be shared because git-clone(1) supports hard links to local repositories. Thanks to githooks(5) and/or extensible git-push(1) remote helper support it's possible to generate the necessary global namespace metadata (e.g. signatures) when we push from the local clone to the local monorepo. The monorepo can then publish the final refs to other peers.

Building a peer-to-peer git forge

There are neat ideas in Radicle and it remains to be seen how well it will grow to support git forge functionality. A number of challenges need to be addressed:

  • Usability - Radicle is a middle-ground between centralized git forges and email-based decentralized development. The goal is to be easy to use like git forges. Peer-to-peer systems often have challenges providing a human-friendly interface on top of public key identities (having usernames without centralized user accounts). Users will probably prefer to think in terms of repositories, merge requests, issues, and wikis instead of peers, gossip, identities, etc.
  • Security - The global namespace and peer-to-peer model is a target that malicious users will attack by trying to impersonate or steal identities, flood the system with garbage, game reputation systems with sockpuppets, etc.
  • Scalability - Peers only care about certain repositories and don't want to be slowed down by all the other refs in the global namespace. The recursive refs layout seems like it could cause performance problems and maybe users will configure clients to limit the depth to a low number like 3. At first glance Radicle should be able to scale well since peers only need to fetch refs they are interested in, but it's a novel way of using git refs, so we can expect scalability problems as the system grows.
  • Data model - How will this data model grow to handle wikis, issue trackers, etc? Issue tracker comments are an example of a data structure that requires conflict resolution in a distributed system. If two users post comments on an issue, how will this be resolved without a conflict? Luckily there is quite a lot of research on distributed data structures such as Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs) and it may be possible to avoid most conflicts by eliminating concepts like linear comment numbering.
  • CI/CD - As mentioned in my blog post about why git forges are von Neumann machines, git forges are more than just data stores. They also have a computing model, initially used for Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery, but really a general serverless computing platform. This is hard to do securely and without unwanted resource usage in a peer-to-peer system. Maybe Radicle will use Ethereum for compute credits?


Radicle is a cool idea and I look forward to seeing where it goes. It is still at an early stage but already shows interesting approaches with the global refs namespace and monorepo data store.